Tonight!! Last Advanced Session for November!!

Tonight is the last session of our Advanced footwork in your basic moves.

The session has not been cumulative, so it's ok to join tonight even if you haven't been to the other sessions.

Adding Advanced Footwork to Your Beginning Turns

 Salsamatics Advanced Salsa Cubana Workshop 

November  21st: 8:30pm - 9:30pm

at Urban Motion and Arts: 366 Grand Ave. in Oakland 

$15 drop-in

pre-register here:

Break free from doing complex turn after turn on the dance floor. Add some flavor and diversity to your Cuban Salsa social dancing. We are going to show you how to bring your solo footwork or "Suelta" together with the basic turns you have been doing for years. Add style and syncopated footwork into your enchufla, DQN, exhibe and vacilia. We will be teaching the bio mechanics and rhythmic details of adding Mambo, Son, Columbia, Rumba and more to your basic steps. Spice up your turns and club dancing with this important facet of Cuban Casino.