Intro to Salsa Cubana - 3 week workshop for Beginners in December

Tonight is the last night of the November Intro to Salsa Cubana workshop series.

Don't miss our next Workshop series next month.  Get your friends and family signed up.  Give yourself a early holiday gift.

Salsa Vale Todo presents...

A 3 week complete Introduction to Salsa Cubana Workshop.

December  5th, 12th, and 19th
7:30pm - 8:30pm
at Urban Motion and Arts: 366 Grand Ave. in Oakland
$36 for the 3 week series. Please no drop - ins
register here:

Every class is followed by a relaxed friendly social playing all Timba (Cuban Salsa) from 9:30-11pm. The social is open to all and is free. Beginners: get some dinner or stay and watch the advanced students and come back for the Social.

Salsa Nick has designed a 3 week workshop to get you familiar with the many aspects of Cuban Salsa or Casino. We will cover the important aspects of the Rhythm, footwork, partnering technique, Casino, Rueda, Suelta and a brief intro to contributing Cuban dances (Son, Rumba, Cha Cha Cha and Mambo). Everything you need to get out on the dance floor and/or continue in our many other Rueda and Casino classes.